Sister Vincent got her hair cut. It was a morning of "I'll do it, no I don't want to, ok I'll get my hair cut, but I don't want to." She did and it looks just fine and a lot healthier than it did. We went with a recent convert to a member's house thinking that it would be dinner, but it turned out to be just a small snack and a lot of conversation. As we left, we were hungry but very happy that our recent convert made friends with this member. As we were riding home, we got a call from a Potential Investigator saying "Have you eaten dinner yet? Let's go!" So we biked fast back to town center and went out to eat with this girl. We didn't get to invite her to hear the lessons, but next time...
Trainer's Training! The first by President Yamashita. It was a little different than before, but just the same spirituality. Sister Vincent had fun seeing her MTC companions and I got to see my companions. One thing that President Yamashita asked us to do is when we visit members and they aren't home, first leave a sticky note asking them to pray for us. The second time, leave a note saying thanks for your prayers, this is something good that happened because of your prayers. This will make the members feel bad because they probably prayed once or twice but not dilligently. So then we leave a third note much the same as the second and they start praying consistently. We have started this idea and already the members have responded with more love and willingness to meet with us (not that they were unwilling before, but they have started asking us over instead of us asking for appointments).
Two of our recent converts have been bitten by the family history bug. We visited one and he said that he was researching his family line and found an account of an ancestor who died in a sword fight with a samurai. HOW COOL IS THAT? No time for dinner that night, so just a glass of juice as we swapped our scriptures for English teaching textbooks and out the door.
We met with our investigator and left feeling like we taught a good lesson but the investigator was still at the same place as when we got there.
How do you solve a problem like kyudosha (which means investigator)? Then we met with a less active and gave her a copy of the general conference edition of the Liahona. After the lesson, she sent us a text saying I want to learn more and meet the missionaries more and come to church more. We were very happy and hope to get regular appointments with her. Then we had dinner with another less active. She is reading the Book of Mormon every day and she said that some things in her life have improved. I'm not sure if she's put two and two together, but we can tell that keeping the commandments has blessed her.
At district meeting we planned an activity where we are going to go to a pizza buffet that the elders found. Then we talked about how to recognize and cultivate the spirit. One elder mentioned that eating right and exercising and generally taking care of your body can help make the spirit stronger. Then we realized that we couldn't keep our activity if we wanted to make a goal to eat healthier. We decided to keep the activity and start eating healthier afterwords. We had a dinner appointment with a member. When we left, it was dark and we had an hour ride back. The member said that we shouldn't take the road that we usually take because it's too dark and too busy so she reccomended this other road. When we got on it, we found out that it was just as dark and busy as the other road, but instead of being a windy-twisty road, it was one straight line down one giant hill. It made it easy to get back on time, but we don't think we'll ever take that road again.
We had a morning full of visiting members and putting postits on their doors (no, I do not need post its. I still have about 7 stacks). Then we had our weekly planning session since we didn't have time on Thursday or Friday. It was nice because it was a hot day and we got to spend it indoors for the hottest part of the day.
Our investigator didn't come to church which made us both sad because if she had come it would've meant she had come for a month straight. We got a stack of former investigators from the elder's and spent some time looking up their addresses. Unfortunately it took longer than we expected. I called a bunch of people and we got some appointments, including a former investigator that we haven't gotten a hold of for about two months. Yay!
Sister Vincent is very stressed about our upcoming companion exchanges so please pray for her.