
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Week 43

Claire's note. I cannot seem to find a way to make Leah's pictures show up on the blog but I will post them separately later.

Leah's Letter, 

The keyboard is broken so I'm having to write this by clicking individual letters on an onscreen keyboard. I'm very glad that they had typing classes in school because I don't think that I could do the whole two fingers thing. Attached are the pictures of Kuroki Shimai's baptism and then one of us at the FHE at the honbu. (Okay, now I'm using the computer Sister Hansen was using because she's finished.)
We were planning on going to Nakamura Koen, but my bike busted a flat so we headed to the nearest bike shop and got it fixed. Not only did the tube burst, but the actual tire got so worn down that it also tore. Just goes to show that missionaries ride bikes a lot. We went to the FHE with Kuroki shimai. There weren't enough seats in the car for everyone, so it was decided to put the kids in laps and drive that way. Two kids+one mom=one sister missionary with a baby on her lap even though the white handbook expresses very clearly that you should not hold children. At the FHE we talked about the meaning behind some of the Christmas type images, like what the star at the top of a Christmas tree means. President Yamashita wanted to talk about the meaning of a candy cane but I stole his thunder. Thanks, Mom, for getting that picture book.
 Leadership Council. I think that there is never enough time and they need to make it longer. But I think the people who live far away couldn't get home on time if it were like that. President Yamashita and Sister Yamashita heard when they went to the mission president's seminar that they should really push the missionaries to not have backpacks and to follow the missionary clothing standards. Also, President Yamashita wants us to work hard to be outside proselyting and not studying on Sundays. I think there are many people who may be a little resistant to these things, but hopefully everyone takes it with tact.
We had a first lesson with an investigator. Her older sister is a member and an aunt is part of a different Christian faith so she isn't sure which is true and all that. I talked about the apostasy and the restoration of the priesthood. I'm not sure what it made her think about, but hopefully it answered some things. Because of that lesson, we ended up being late getting home.
I had a kokan with Stremcha Shimai. We had our last after baptism lesson with Kuroki Shimai and visited some investigators together. We bought bread at my favorite bakery here. Around 6, Elder Richard calls me up and says, hey are you coming to Institute tonight? It's the Takabata missionaries day to come. I said we'd be there, so we hurriedly went to a Less Active member's house where we had toast and eggs (a lot of bread that day) and then dashed out the door to get on the train to the Institute house. We then had to hurriedly ask a member for the address (again) so that we wouldn't get lost. When we were there, we paired up with the attendees and taught lessons to each other. I also got a very detailed plan of salvation visual aid from the teacher.
Zone Traning Meeting. I spoke about Alma 5 and the Atonement as well as pioneer ancestors/convert ancestors. Then I talked with the shimai about clothes. I think it went over ok, but I'm not sure. We set a goal for 10 to 20 baptisms in the zone for the month of December. It's high, but I think we can do it. Two of our investigators agreed that day to be baptized on Christmas. One of them I think will, but the other one needs some prayers. We made potstickers from scratch with them. Mine were not pretty at all, but equally delicious. Then we got a text from another investigator saying that her daughter was hospitalized and that there was a pretty high chance of her dying. We told the ward members as well as the other missionaries in the zone to please pray for them.
Another text from that investigator saying that her daughter was doing much better. We have offered to give her a blessing, but still no response. I shared with her my experience when I was 8 and very sick and getting a blessing from Daddy and Grandpa. I think the investigator mistook what I meant to say because she asked if Dad was coming from America to give her daughter a blessing. I said that there are priesthood holders in this area. And ones who speak Japanese. I took some time to contact a bunch of people and write the progress record. One of our appointments canceled, so we traveled back and forth visiting investigators and less actives before our next appointment. We had planned on singing Christmas carols with her. It wasn't as good as we had hoped, but what's done is done.
The Primary had their Primary program. I had a smile on most of the time because the kids were really cute and they sang with much gusto but not much melody. I was especially impressed at one boy who recited all thirteen articles of faith. We finally have a new bishopric so we wanted to go around and give them a thank you gift. I tried to make no bakes, but something went wrong and they turned out too sticky. Sp we gave them persimmons. Everyone seemed very happy to see us.
What time do you want to skype?
Love you all,

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