
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Week 46

We went to Atsuta jingu (the fourth largest shrine in Japan) with an investigator family. See picture. It was very large and well kept. We then went to a mall and I found a new watch for $3 because Iost my old watch. After that, we went carrolling with a member and then went to an FHE with a member. I thought that a dinner-y type thing would be provided, but I was mistaken so we just had chips for dinner. But recently that's all that we've eating. There is a lot of junk food in the apartment and I've told myself that I'm just going to eat it until it's gone and deal with the consequences later because it't the holidays.
We went to help out a member clean her workplace because she had been asked to do the whole place on her own. Apparently the manager got a little upset that missionaries were helping her. I believe that any service done with good intentions is only in the service of God, but I do understand how it could be misinterpreted as the missionaries staking out new territory or something. Then we went and had dinner with a recent convert and her daughters. See picture. We had cheeze fondue. It was a little strange to be eating so much cheeze because dairy in Japan is not common.
Opened my box. Thanks for all the wonderful presents! Talked to you people. Then we went out and delivered the last of the cookies from the relief society to less actives. Then we got everything ready for the Eikaiwa party. About 20 people came, which was expected. We played pin the nose on the reindeer and talked about candy canes and ate a lot of food. Over all, it felt like a normal day. It really felt just the same as any other proselyting day.
Christmas had been building and building so it felt like it wasn't over, but it was. We taught lesson 2 and 3 to a family. The kids think that it's all true but the mom is still full of doubts. By the end of the day, it was raining, so we donned our rain suits and headed out to visit FI's and members and such. No one was home, but we pedaled anyway.
Went to a member's house to help her do her spring cleaning (except in Japan they do it in January). I am always so happy to do service. Then we went to a member's takoyaki shop. Then we went to a less active's house which was in the opposite direction of the takoyaki shop. Basically, we rode our bikes for about two hours straight. But there are no hills pretty much, so it was easy riding. We got a referral from the honbu! She met some missionaries on the train. They asked her about Eikaiwa and she wasn't interested. But she was interested in the church. Haven't made contact yet, but hopefully soon.
It snowed! The elders both thought they were going to die. I thought it was beautiful. I am very glad that we have hats and gloves and coats and such although. The ground wasn't cold enough for it to build up, so it was just wet. I was much happier that it was snowing than raining because then it wasn't as wet as it was on Thursday. Transfer calls: no change. Elder Richard is transferring however. No one came to kid's eikaiwa. We helped a member move out and then we went out to sushi with some members. We then took down the Christmas trees at the chuch and put them in the closet. I'm not sure how they are usually put away, so next year when they pull them out again they may be a little confused.
I heard an interesting theory from some members. Apparently the Japanese emperors all speak Hebrew. Wheneve Jews come and see events where they hear that language being spoken, they all say that it is Hebrew. Then, on the back of Ise-Jingu, the largest possibly the most famous shrine in Japan, is written in Hebrew "this is the place of the Messiah" or something like that. Therefore, many members believe that the emperors know that the Japanese are decendents of the Hebrews and that if they told the populace, many people would be baptized. Apparently there are books written about it. On Sunday we went out with a member to visit a less active. I think it went well. We also had delicious food. I finally found out the answer to my long pondered question "where do tomatoes and potatoes come from?" The answer is: they both come from the Andes mountains and were exported to Europe and other places when Columbus and other explorers returned home. I wish that we could do missionary work with members all the time. It is the better way.
Love you all,

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