
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Week 48

We spent the first Monday in about two months at home. I was finally able to write some long due letters. Unfortunately, no one was free to go to the FHE at the honbu, so we spent the night looking up Less actives near Nagoya station. We were only able to actually talk to one person. Oh well. The sisters working in the Fuji area came to our apartment because on the next day
Leadership Council! We went an hour over because there was so much to talk about. I think we did talk about issues that are of importance however, so I was ok with it going over. We served ourselves lunch this time so I didn't walk away feeling over-full. We got back and only had a little bit of time, so Sister Hansen and I talked to people on the street. We came back home but satisfied with our work.
Rain. Cold cold rain. We planned to visit people living far away by train because we had a lot of time, so Sister Hansen didn't bring an umbrella. She got soaked. We stopped at a convini and bought an umbrella. By the end of the day all I wanted was to hold a cup of hot chocolate while wrapped up in a dry blanket. So I did.
President Yamashita wanted all missionaries to get flu shots, so we went and got them. The paper work at the beginning was the hardest part because not only was it in Japanese, but it was medical Japanese. The gift of interpretation of tongues was definitely at play that day because we managed to fill it out. It didn't hurt too bad. We did weekly planning and then delivered cookies to an investigator. She didn't answer the door so we thought we would leave them in her mail box but they wouldn't fit through the slot, so we just jammed them in. Crumbly cookies are still delicious.
We had ZTM and then I went to Gokiso on an exchange. We taught a lesson to a friend of a current investigator. The lesson was spirituall for all I think. I hope that the friend continues to meet with the missionaries. I ate a lot of candy there because they have alot still left over from Christmas since the elders gave them all of their candy.
We had an activity with the Relief Society where we made macrobiotic food. It was delicious and easy to make. Then we taught family eikaiwa. The mom read the Book of Mormon a little! We visited a less active from the Philipenes. She gave us key chains that look like frogs because they are made from frog skin. It's...interesting.
We spent most of the day with a recent convert having a winter picnic. While we were eating, many neighborhood cats started circling us. None of them were brave enough to come too close, but we did feel a little uncomfotable with six pairs of eyes watching us.
Love you lots

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