
Friday, January 31, 2014

Week 50

Nothing especially special happened that I can recall. We spent the day inside. I spent most of it writing more letters. We went out streeting and didn't meet many willing to talk. We tried housing, but it turns out the complex we chose was an assisted living place for old sick people. Oops.
We decided that we would make cards out a part of Elder Nielsen's talk from General Conference and give them to members to help increase their desire to do missionary work. We hope that the members feel a fire in them to do the work because we certainly can't do it alone. We met with a less-active who was happy to see us, which made us glad. She has some unfortunate circumstances that prevent her from going to church each week, so hopefully we can build her up to going at least more often. 
I went on a companion exchange with the Gokiso sisters. Sister Fowles and I had a really good time talking about missionary work and experiences and how to recieve revelation and the plan of salvation. We swapped stories about Sister Rogers because she trained both of us. Then we taught an after baptism lesson to a convert of about three weeks. She gave me a hair tie that looks like a wedding corsage. There are a lot of people on the streets in the Gokiso area! It's the smallest area in the mission but there are a lot of people packed in there.
We swapped back and Sister Hansen and I went to visit a less active. Unfortunately, their whole family had the stomach flu that week, but thankfully we went on the day that everyone was starting to heal up. The grandma made us rice pudding. I think that it was the first and possibly only time that I liked rice pudding. We asked her to write her testimony on a piece of paper so that we could put it in a Book of Mormon to give to a Potential Investigator. I think it helped her feel the spirit a little in this time that is hard.
DTM was fun. The Gokiso sisters got a call on the phone but they didn't know what the person was saying so they passed the phone over to me. Glad to be a sister training leader. We had an appointment with an investigator in mind, but they canceled last minute, so we housed. Some nice people, some not so nice people. We went to deliver a card to a member. She said that we came at the perfect time because it was her son's open school night where the parents come and see their kid's art and such. We went and admired and actually had some people ask us about Eikaiwa. Overall, a good way to spend the evening I think. The Yokkaichi sisters beat us to our apartment. They were staying over because the next day we had..
Leadership Training! All current leaders and potential leaders got together and had training from Brother Heaton, the manager of the MTC. We talked about having a worm's eye view and a bird's eye view in comparison to a missionary and God's view. We then talked about how to help investigators progress through recieving revelation by study. It was a Spirit filled day. Unfortunately, Sister Hansen caught the stomach flu (probably from the Less Actives we visited). However, I did get the box! The clothes fit. The only trouble is that the non plaid green dress is too big in the shoulders. I think I can make it work though. Thanks for the bike lights. I appreciate the Japanese children's songbook CD's. I listened to them yesterday.
Home all day because companion is sick. I kept busy by writing lesson plans and making cookies and studying the Plan of Salvation. I just hope that I make it through the week without having been to sacrament meeting.
Love you all,

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